With most types of complementary or alternative therapies there seems to be a mix of good information and, a lot of misguided information going around and unfortunately it has been like this for a long time now!
My focus here is on complementary therapies as that is what Tera-Mai is, as it can complement medical practice and, it is not seen as an alternative to medical practice.
So why do some people not come for this type of treatment?
Some of us go on what we hear first from someone else and unfortunately, the not so good news passes on faster than the good. So say someone has had a bad meal in a restaurant, then they are likely to mention this to family and friends saying how bad it was for them. This obviously may put someone off from going to that same restaurant for themselves. Shame really, as their experience may of been completely different to what they had heard, or if it was not good well it is easy just do not go back!
Also, the fear of the unknown may play apart in this. For example, If you go for a hair cut you can more or less see instantly the results and then you decide if that stylist is good for you, or not.
This is not necessarily true with complementary treatments, as the practitioner has nothing to show or give you in a treatment, and you are likely not to see an instant result. As in the case of Tera-Mai it can take time for things to change either mentally, emotionally or physically. Although, most mention after a treatment how relaxed they now feel, or how pain has either reduced or cleared if they were experiencing pain before the treatment.
Without judgement this is just coming from a place of observation, there are a lot of ungrounded complementary practitioners with an ungrounded practice. This can make some people feel that this type of treatment is to "hippy" "Spiritual" or "Away with the fairies" for them to try. This type of ungrounded practice will appeal to some, a grounded practice well this can appeal to most of the majority so aiding the practitioner to be of support to far more people, which can be good for the world!
The best is to experience a complementary practice like Tera-Mai for yourself, you can then make an informed decision on how the experience was for you. As with most things in life not everyone has the same experience as to someone else and, what works for one person may not work for the other but, obviously we wont know if it is any good for us until we give it a go.
Having an open mind to a complementary practice can be beneficial, as a closed mind can actually put some blocks in the way to the body's healing process.
If you have experienced not such a good session with a complementary/alternative practitioner, try not to be put off by it. Maybe just look for another practitioner as all practitioners are definitely not the same!